Portfolio Valuation
Portfolio Valuation
In today’s unpredictable market, where conflicts of interest and changing regulations are common, it’s crucial for fund and investment managers to work with an advisor who can guide them through the portfolio valuation process. At JCox CPAs & Advisors, we are dedicated to providing unbiased advice that can withstand scrutiny from all angles.
We offer periodic valuations to help our clients meet their financial reporting requirements. Our team recognizes the complexities of valuing financial instruments such as illiquid equity, debt, and derivatives. With our proven expertise, we help clients build confidence in fair value reporting and offer insights to develop strong policies and procedures.
Mark to Market Valuation
At JCox CPAs & Advisors, we take pride in offering independent and objective advice that is well-documented. Our valuations are defensible and comply with relevant reporting standards and policies, ensuring that we follow best practices, maintain consistency, and promote transparency.
Valuation Process and Procedures
We have established best practices specifically designed for valuing portfolios that contain multiple companies and securities. Our process involves a deep understanding of the unique aspects of each engagement.
Illiquid Investments
We specialize in determining and supporting fair values for investments that are not often traded in public markets, including:
Convertible debt
Preferred and common stock
Warrants and options
Fixed income and interest rate derivatives
Structured products
Financial guarantees
By choosing JCox CPAs & Advisors, you gain a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of investment valuations. Contact us today for pricing!
Fee Structure:
Basic portfolio valuation typically costs between $500 to $2,000 for simpler portfolios with standard assets.
Complex or ongoing portfolio valuation services typically cost between $2,000 to $10,000 per year, depending on the complexity and the number of assets involved.
Custom or specialized valuations, especially for large estates or portfolios with illiquid assets typically costs $10,000.